1st Sunday Match – October 6, 2024

Tat tata tat ta di – Hello all you boys and girls out there in Cowboy land. Another gorgeous day has come and gone at the Cavalier Range. No blood was drawn but maybe a few tears were shed. I doubt it with all the smiles on everyone’s faces. We had two new smiling faces shoot with us today. A father and son team consisting of Cactus the Kid (father) and his side kick Mr. Sith Shooter. Sith Shooter knocked down all the plates on the plate rack without a single miss on them with his trusty 22 rifle. Way to go young man. Speaking of young men, none of them shot clean all day but Bingo Montana, Bucksaw Bob, Major BS Walker, Timbucktwo Ranger, and Mr. Walker Colt all did.

Don’t forget your support for the upcoming Shoot for a Cure match at West Point in two weeks. Today’s results linked below.

Thanks for all the help:
Major BS Walker- Esquire

Match Results – Overall Winners Details by Time – 10/06/2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I hope you are keeping your powder dry. The laid back bad guys at Cavalier are at it again with our first Sunday of the month match. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 with first shot down range at 10:00. Extended forecast shows near perfect weather. Our shooter friendly match this month is provided by Mr. Bingo Montana. Stages linked below.

Set-up will be Saturday, 4pm.  Any help is appreciated.
Your Pard:
Major BS Walker

Match Stages – 10/6/2024