January 17, 2025

2022 SASS VA State Championship Match – Archive

SASS Presents the Virginia State Championship


“Gunfight at the Double-C”

SASS Logo Sanctioned Event

Thank you to everyone!  It was our pleasure to host you at the 2022 SASS VA State Championship.  Looking forward to seeing you all back next year.
PLEASE send any feedback to bingo.montana@gmail.com

The Cavalier Cowboys and the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club hereby invite all cowboy action shooters to the Gunfight at the Double-C, our Cowboy Action Shooting Virginia State Championship Match held on September 2nd, 3rd & 4th.

The $100.00 all-inclusive match fee covers 10 main match stages, a Lunch/Cowboy Social on Saturday, name badge, match handbook, and awards.

For those traveling from afar we have both a host hotel with discounted rates and limited onsite dry camping available.  For those cowboys who cannot shoot both days a one-day registration is available at our normal match fee of $15.

We look forward to shooting with all our cowboy friends on Labor Day Weekend 

Major B.S. Walker

Match Director & President of Cavalier Cowboys

General Information:

Dates:  Friday, Saturday, & Sunday – September 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 2022

Match Fee:  $100.00 per single adult shooter, 90.00 for spouse, $25.00 for shooters 18 and under (All Inclusive), Buckaroo & Buckarette (13 and under) Free!.

Categories:  All SASS Categories Available, No Minimum Category Requirements.

New and Improved!

Our goal is to improve the SASS Virginia State Championship Gunfight at the Double-C every single year!!

New for 2022, the Gunfight at the Double-C will be moving to Labor Day Weekend the first weekend in September. This change will be for the year 2022 and all future matches.

We are also making a few changes with the shooting bays we will be using for the match. As we have done in the past, there will be 10 stages shot on five separate bays setup to host 6 stages on Saturday and 4 stages on Sunday.

There is an updated layout diagram located a little further down on this page. The added advantage of the changes with the bay layout is it will reduce the amount of walking between stages by a fair amount.


All shooters are required to submit a registration application, one per shooter.

Registration is OPEN!


The registration application is a PDF form and may be filled out online and then printed or it may be printed and filled out by hand.

The registration deadline is Friday, August 26th, 2022

Late registration: Shooters may register late, up to the day of the match. Shooters registering after the deadline are eligible for awards but may not receive a shooter packet/name badge.

One Day Shooters: Shooters who cannot shoot both days may register for a single day (Saturday or Sunday), cost is $15.00, may only shoot the main match, and are not eligible for awards. Saturday only shooters may participate in the meal for an additional $5.00.

The match is limited to the first 125 shooters.

Match / Stages:

The main match will consist of 10 stages, 6 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. The match will utilize five shooting bays such that we will shoot 2 stages per bay on Saturday and Sunday.

Range Map detailing camping/pavilion, Cowboy Long Range Match area for Friday, and Main Match Area.

The following picture details the shooting bays that we will use for the match. (Map #2)

Main Match Bays 


At the conclusion of the match on Sunday we will issue a 1st Place Category Award to every category pre-registered, there will be no minimum shooter requirements. We will present additional category awards, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, etc., based upon the number of registered shooters in the category as follows:

2nd Place —– 3+ Shooters
3rd Place —— 5+ Shooters
4th Place —— 7+ Shooters
5th Place —— 9+ Shooters

Scoring :  

The match will be scored by Total Time. During the match scores will be recorded on paper and then transferred to computer via the CAS Scoring System. The official scores will be those recorded in CAS Scoring System. The match will be scored as a Two-Day Match only.

Lunch / Cowboy Social:

On Saturday after the Main Match is completed, we will be holding our Lunch / Cowboy Social which is included with the match fee. The Cowboy Social will be held in the camping area with all your cowboy friends and family. Adult beverages may be consumed only within the camping area and after all of the firearms have been stored away.

Guests (non-shooters) and One Day Shooters may participate in the lunch for a fee of $5.00 each, preregistration for the lunch is requested.


Friday – Sept. 2nd, 2022
8:00 am                                             Front Gates Open
9:00 am – 7:00 pm                         Match Registration Open
9:00 am – Until                                Camping Registration & Check-In Open

12:00 am – 4:00 pm                       Side Matches

Saturday – Sept. 3rd, 2022
7:00 am – 10:00 am                       Front Gates Open
8:00 am – 9:00 am                         Match Registration Open
9:00 am – 9:30 am                         Mandatory Safety Meeting
10:00 am – 2:00 pm (est.)           6 Main Match Stages
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm                         Lunch & Cowboy Social (Club House & Camping Area)

Sunday – Sept. 4th, 2022
7:00 am – 10:00 am                       Front Gates Open
8:00 am – 9:00 am                         Match Registration Open
9:30 am – 1:00 pm (est.)             4 Main Match Stages
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm                        Award Ceremony at the Pavilion in the Camping Area

Host Hotel & Onsite Camping:

Host Hotel: Marriott Residence Inn Short Pump at the Notch
Address: 1800 Wilkes Ridge Circle Richmond, Virginia 23233

VA State Championship SASS Room Block
Start Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022
End Date: Monday, September 5, 2022
Last Day to Book: Friday, August 19, 2022
Group rate: 129 USD per night
Book your group rate for Single Action Shooting Society Room Block

Onsite Dry Camping:

The Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club – Camping Area – Cost is Donation Only
Limited Dry Camping Sites Available Water for tanks available
Heated & air conditioned Restrooms with Showers, Dump Station, Drinking Water Available
Reservations Mandatory – Reservation Deadline Aug. 29th, 2022
Contact – Major BS Walker (804) 307-2980 or majorbswalker@gmail.com

Match & Stage Sponsors

The Cavalier Cowboys and Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club appreciate the sponsors that participate in the “Gunfight at the Double C.” Sponsors are an integral part of the success and overall experience for the competitors. The “Gunfight at the Double C” has several levels of sponsorship.

• Bronze Level, Door Prize Sponsor (unlimited number available): Provides door prizes up to $50 value. You will be listed in the Shooters Handbook and the match website until December 31, 2022.

• Silver Level, Awards & Side Match Sponsor: Provides $100 in cash and/or merchandise. You will be given a quarter-page advertisement in the Shooter’s Handbook and there will be a sign at the side match event being sponsored. You will be listed on the match website until December 31, 2022.will be listed on the match website until December 31, 2022.

• Gold Level, Stage Sponsor: Provides $150 in cash and/or merchandise. There are ten openings at this level. You will be given a half-page advertisement in the Shooter’s Handbook and there will be a sign at the stage that is being sponsored. You will be given advertising on the match website until December 31, 2022.

• Platinum level, match sponsor: Provides $300 or more in cash and/or merchandise. Your company (or name) will be given a full-page advertisement as a Main Match Sponsor in the Shooters Handbook. You will receive a free entry in the main match and a Saturday lunch ticket. You will be given advertising on the match website until December 31, 2022.

At all levels, we can place your company catalog, flyer, or printed material inside the Shooter’s Package if you provide them. If you would like to provide a banner, we will hang it in the main pavilion. Sponsorships should be received by August 10, 2022, to receive the most publicity from your support and included in the Shooter’s Handbook but will gladly be accepted up to the match date.

Sponsorship Application (fillable PDF)

The sponsorships can be included with the match registration application or submitted directly to Major BS Walker, Match Director.

Platinum Level Sponsors:

  • Bingo Montana

  • Cockroach
  • Ripsaw

Gold & Silver Level Sponsors:

  • Stage One: — Art Guild of VA
  • Stage Two: — Manakin Masonry, LLC.

  • Stage Nine: — Duke’s Smith & Arms

Bronze Level Sponsors:

Cotton Connie – In Memory of Will Sonnet

Vendor Information

The Cavalier Cowboys and Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club appreciate the vendors that participate in the “Gunfight at the Double C.” Vendors are an integral part of the success and overall experience for the competitors. We understand the cost associated with your business; therefore, we don’t not charge for vendor spaces. We will only accept a limited number of vendors selling the same type of product. There are limited dry campsites available. Your completed application reserves a vendor space. Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club, and the Cavalier Cowboys are not responsible for list products or damage. Vendors are responsible for their own insurance and reporting of sales tax. Vendors can participate in the match but must pay the full shooter fee. We reserve the right to refuse any application. Vendors can also be match sponsors. Please see our web site for the sponsorship opportunities and levels. Sponsorships are highly encouraged to take advantage of advertising opportunities.

Completed Vendor Applications should be received by August 10, 2022.  Vendors must be set up no later than 8 AM, Saturday, September 3, 2022.  You can set up on Thursday, September 1 (please let us know that you will be arriving Thursday to coordinate range access) and Friday September 2.  Please plan to stay for both match days, Saturday September 3rd, and Sunday September 4th.  Tear down must be completed by 6:00 PM Sunday September 4, 2022.

Vendor Agreement

Range Location:

Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club
14151 Boondock Lane, Montpelier, Virginia, 23192
Gun Club web site: www.cavrpc.org

Go To Our Directions Page for additional details: http://www.cavaliercowboys.org/directions/

Range Access:

Access to the range is controlled by an electronic gate and gun club rules require that the gate will only be open during specified hours as posted in our match schedule.

Anyone can exit the range at any time because the gate will automatically open from the inside. However, entrance to the range outside of posted times will require assistance, a contact phone number will be posted on the gate for an onsite club member.


If you have any questions or comments about the Gunfight at the Double-C, please contact our Match Director:

Major BS Walker: (804) 307-2980, majorbswalker@gmail.com

Registered Shooter

1 A Virginia Kid VA
2 Big Bear Mo NC
3 Big Gus VA
4 Bingo Montana VA
5 Bo Dudley VA
6 Boone Doc Willy NC
7 Boss Outlaw IN
8 Brizco-Z VA
9 Bucksaw Bob VA
10 Bush Ax Jack NC
11 Buzzard Breath WV
12 Captain R. Hugh Kidnme VA
13 Carolina Charlie VA
14 Carolina Shakespeare NC
15 Cedar Creek John VA
16 Charlie Reb NC
17 Cholula Mike NJ
18 Christian Mortician GA
19 Clock Hunter VA
20 Cockroach VA
21 Cody Maverick VA
22 Cotton Connie VA
23 Dakota Rambler VA
24 El Diablo Don VA
25 Enid City Kid VA
26 Feather VA
27 Filthy Five VA
28 Flatboat Bob VA
29 Foolish Tom VA
30 Foxplay Kid NC
31 Happy Valley Harlot VA
32 Hellbender NC
33 High Noon Henry NC
34 Hoosier VA
35 Hotpocket Hanson VA
36 Hotshod Va
37 J.M. Brown NC
38 Jack Sazerac VA
39 Johnny Swan NJ
40 Kid AtHeart VA
41 Kuba Kid VA
42 Lefty Spurmaker VA
43 Liverpool JD VA
44 Madame Anne Bonney VA
45 Major B.S. Walker VA
46 Marshal P.C. WaBash VA
47 Marshall Buggs VA
48 Miss Kala VA
49 Mustang Dave NC
50 Mustang Major Va
51 Noah Fitz NC
52 Nunnfaster NC
53 Ohm’s Law VA
55 One Eyed Jane VA
56 Patsy Montana NY
57 Potshot Parker GA
58 Potter County Kid VA
59 Prairie City Slim VA
60 Quilla Star VA
61 Range Hazzard VA
62 Red Cavanaugh VA
63 Redrider Slim VA
64 Ripsaw VA
65 Sassy Shooting Sours VA
66 Scarlett Darlin SC
67 Slick NC
68 Smackwater VA
69 Swifty McDraw VA
70 Terrible T VA
70 The Old Salt VA
71 Tom Bullweed NC
72 Trail Bandit SC
73 Trapper Dan VA
74 Tree Doc Red VA
75 Tye Riverman VA
76 Vaquero Dan DE
77 Walker Colt VA
78 Wendover Kid NC
79 Whiskey Ro NC
80 Wild Bill Hunter VA
81 Wildcat Will VA
82 Windhorse Rider VA
83 Wistful McClintock VA
84 Wyoming Schoolmarm DE