Hello Fellow Lead Slinging Enthusiasts
Well sixteen of us sure slung some today, with five clean all day shooters to boot. Miss Jane, Kuba, Bucksaw, Ripsaw and I squeaked them all on target. Mr. Cody took home the trophy. If you could of shot this match today, you would join us in a standing ovation to Ripsaw for writing it. Top notch.
The other news – It’s not too late to sign up for the Smoke on the Mattaponi to be held in a couple of weeks so please do so.
The SASS Virginia State Championship Match is fast approaching so please get your ass in gear by getting those registration forms in or at least send in a donation to help support our sport in our own beloved state of Virginia if you can’t participate in person. Just go to www.cavaliercowboys.org and click State Match
Please remember to say a prayer for all our ailing cowboys and cowgirls
Major BS Walker
Hello there Cow Folkses
The Cavalier crew is setting up another fun match this Sunday June 4th ,2023. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. This Sunday’s adventure is provided by Mr. Ripsaw.
Setup for Sunday will be on Saturday starting at 3:00 if you can help. Stages attached.
Come on out and enjoy yourselves
Major BS Walker