Cavalier Cowboys Match Results 12/03/17
What a nice day for a cowboy shoot. A little cold at the start but it warmed up quickly. Thanks to everyone that helped do the chores to make this match happen.You know who you are.We were fortunate to have with us today, three first time shooters. Welcome to the cowboy family, Dr. Tree, Fury Pete and Stumpy Gummer. You all did quite well for a first match. It was also nice to shoot with Big Iron Padnock again before he goes back to Texas. Unfortunately, we only had two clean shooters, and those two lucky gentlemen were Potter County Kid and Prairie City Slim. Our top overall shooter was Cody Maverick himself. We also had a chili cook-off and social afterword’s and the winner of the Cavalier Cowboys Chili Cook-off was none other than Mr. Stogie.
Cavalier 12-03-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
Cavalier 12-03-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
Thanks all:
Major BS Walker
Cowboys & Cowgirls,
The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday cowboy match on December 3rd, 2017, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.
The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in PDF and MS Word formats.
Cavalier Match 12-03-2017.docx
Cavalier Match 12-03-2017.pdf
Please see the separate emails from us about the Chili Cook-off we are going to have during our regular Cowboy Social after the match.
This month’s match is going to be run by Major BS Walker, I have a work conflict and will not be able to shoot with you all this month. However, I should be able to get work wrapped up in time to get out to the range and join you for the Cowboy Social and Chili Cook-off, so please save a bowl or two for me. I am looking forward to some fine chili feasting.
Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org
The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE
Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys
Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.
Safe Travels,