Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
Sorry that I missed the match on Sunday but I was busy fending off other Silver Seniors at the state match. At no surprise,I hear everything went well and everyone had a good time. There were a few spectators yesterday and hopefully since I wasn’t there, they will come back. We had three clean shooters, Cockroach, Enid City Kid and Kuba Kid.
Thanks to everyone for running the match and doing the chores
Major BS Walker
Now Silver Senior State Champ
Hello Everyone
Even though people will be at the Bend Of Trail match in Roanoke, there is also a lot of shooters that aren’t going. So, the Cavalier Cowboys will be having their first Sunday of the month match this Sunday which happens to be September the 1st. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. There will be a decent size crowd this Sunday so please feel free to come and join in. Stages are attached.
Good luck to the shooters at the State
Major BS Walker