2nd Wednesday Match — September 11th, 2019

Hello Cowboys & Cowgirls
The Cavalier Cowboys pulled off another great weather day today. With the fans and the shade on the left range, it really never felt that hot. We had nine shooters today and three CAD. That’s 33% folks. Those shooters were Myself, Timbuctwo Ranger and our newer shooter Bingo Montana. A special thank you to Smackwater for handling things until I could arrive from my Doctors appointment, Ripsaw for writing the match and not to forget thanks to all the guys there for all the work effort at the match today. Results are attached.
Thanks Again:
Major BSW

Hello All
With the warmer temperatures for Wednesday, I have been persuaded to change the stages to something with less set up and less movement. The new stages are attached.

Hello Everyone
With 90 degree temps. on Wednesday it will be Cowboy Casual for the match. Anything but open toed shoes.

Hello Gang
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their 2nd Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019. Stages provided by Ripsaw. Gates open at 10:00, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at noon. Hope you can make this big target match.