Hello Fellow Cowboy Shooters
Well what can I say but what a great day for a Cowboy get together. First two stages were a little nippy but by stage three most were out of their coats for the rest of the day. Cavalier had the honor of having two first time at Cavalier shooters, Tinpan McGurk and Lawman Mays and we also had the honor of having Yakima Jim shoot his first time ever Cowboy match. Despite me being there, we hope to see all of you again. Remember you are always welcome into the Cowboy family and the friendship we all shared with each other at todays match. If I could remember the spectators name that watched and hooked all day I would like to thank him also. Now for the results. Weather was just right for a good bowl of Chili after the match and rubbing our noses in it was Mr. Stogie again repeating the coveted title as this years Chili Champion. Congrads Stogie. Where else can you go and come in first and second at one match. We did manage to have two clean shooters, that being Sassy and me. Thanks you everyone for your work effort and just being you.
Cavalier 11-04-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
Stages attached:
Your Pard: Major BS Walker
Hello Everyone
Time again for the Cavalier Cowboys first Sunday of the month match and also our 2nd. annual Chili Cook-off on Nov. 4th. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Saturday night is the end of Daylight Savings Time so don’t forget to set your clocks back. This will give you one extra hour to sleep in or for some extra time to recover, so don’t show up too early or too late. Looking forward to some award winning chili and to some award winning cowboy shooting fun. Stages are attached and were written by Mr. Smackwater.
Sorry for the mess up on drawings for stages 4,5 & 6. The pistols are 1 through 5, I didn’t notice the mistake until I opened the attachment .
Sorry: Major BS Walker