2nd Wednesday Match — November 14th, 2018

Hello fellow Cowboys and Cowgirls

It was a little cold today but without the wind blowing it was comfortable with the help of a pair of long johns . With the crowd we had today I just can’t understand why we didn’t have a single clean shooter but o” well, stranger things have happened. I would like to congratulate Cody as our 1st place shooter, BS, me in second place and Ripsaw coming in third overall. I’d also would like to thank Ripsaw for bringing his neighbor Gary to watch his first match and he got to shoot a couple of stages to boot. Thanks Gary for helping out. The results from today are attached.

Thanks All: MBSW

Cavalier Scores 11-14-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf


Hello All

The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting this Wednesday Nov.14th. Gates open at 10:00 for set-up, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at 12:00 noon. Looks as if it will be dry but a little cold so dress appropriately. Hope to see you there and as usual, stages are attached.

Thanks: MBSW

Cavalier Match Stages 11-14-2018.pdf