Hello Everyone
Another fun filled Wednesday match has now come and gone. Strategic placement of our air circulators made everything quite pleasant. I did learn today that the fans should always be the last thing to take up. A.C. Winchester, Cockroach and myself were CAD, with Cockroach being the overall winner. I would also like to welcome our now favorite new shooter Marshal P.C. WaBash. Hope to see you at our next Wednesday match. Results are attached.
Thanks guys for the help:
Major BS Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys
Cavalier 7-11-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
Hello Yall
The boys from the Double-C will be holding their regular second Wednesday match this Wednesday July 11. Gates open at 10, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot down range at high noon. Shade, fans and cold water will be supplied. Hope you can make it.
Stages attached written by Cockroach
Thanks: Major BS