1st Sunday Match — July 1st, 2018

Hello Everyone

Well, we pulled off a really nice match today with minimal sweat. It was hot but shooting entirely in the shade with the fans was enough to make it more comfortable than one would expect. We had three clean shooters today, Cody Maverick the overall winner, Myself and One Eyed Jane. I also want to thank everyone for their help and our food cooks Smackwater and Windhorse Rider. I also want to make a special shout out to our new partner, Brendon. Also known by some as Little Pete, this young man shagged brass all day. Way to go buddy, you can ride on my posse anytime. Once again you guys were great. Scores are attached.

Major BS Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys

07-01-2018 Cavalier Cowboys DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf


Hello Everyone

This Sunday July 1, 2018 the Cavalier Cowboys will be holding its regular first Sunday of the month match. It’s going to be hot so the canopy’s and fans will be out for your comfort. It will also be a relaxed dress code match also for your comfort. Since this match is just before the 4th of July, at our usual Cowboy Social after the match we will be cooking on the grill with the meat furnished by us at no additional charge.
If you could send me a response if you are coming than I can work up a food order.
So break out your red, white and blue and come join us.

Major B.S. Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys

July 1_ 18 spur match.pdf