Hello Everyone
It didn’t seem to get as hot as they predicted or maybe it was just the nice breeze we had all day but what a nice day to Cowboy shoot. Eight people showed up and had a good time despite Cockroaches stages. Special shot out to our new shooter, Which Hand Wade. Glad to have you on our posse. Hope to see much more of you. There was only one clean shooter today and that was me. Detailed results for todays match are attached.
Cavalier 06-13-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf
Howdy Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding its regular monthly second Wednesday Match this Wednesday, June 13th. Gates open at 10:00 with safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot at high noon. Everyone come on by, call in sick if you work or plan an early morning or late evening Doctors appointment on the second Wednesday and just come by and play. You deserve it.
Or, get some early BP shooting in before the Smoke on the Mattaponi
Stages attached:
Bad influence
Major BS Walker