1st Sunday Match – January 5th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

I have been watching the weather.com forecast for Montpelier, VA all day and it has changed back and forth all day but at this moment the forecast for 10:00 am on Sunday is 38 degrees with a 50% chance of rain. The chance of rain stays at 50% till 2:00 when it goes up to 60%. The rain chances are greater north and west of Richmond, where the range is located. So, based on this forecast it seems very likely that the range will get rain at least some of the time during our shooting window. With the combination of cold temperatures, a slight wind and a good chance of rain, this just is not good shooting weather.

I hate to cancel matches, and the actual weather conditions on Sunday may show that I made the wrong decision, but that’s the way things work sometimes.

Let’s all put in a good word with the man upstairs for better weather at all of the area cowboys matches the rest of this winter !!

Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys are planning on holding their match this Sunday, January 5th, 2014.  The current weather.com forecast calls for a high of 48 and a low of 33, that is on the cold side but warm enough.  I will send out an update by 9:00 pm on Friday with our final decision and also the status of our after the match activities.

The gate will be open between 8:00 and 9:30, Registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, Mandatory Safety Meeting will be at 9:45 and the Match Begins at 10:00 am sharp. The cost is $15.00 for an individual, $25.00 for couples, $0.00 (free) for those 18 and under and CR&PC members are $10.00. Additional details are available on our web site at: www.cavaliercowboys.org.

We plan on having the burn barrel going and will be shooting straight through but will accommodate folks who need to take breaks for snacks and facilities.

The stages have been written by me and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Jan 05th 2014.docx

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – Sunday Jan 05th 2014.pdf

Safe Travels,


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