Happy 4th of July everyone
Just because it was hot and humid it didn’t take away from the fun and frolic we all shared being together today. Glad you all could attend. Special thanks to Smackwater for not only writing the match for today but also for handling the cooking choirs afterwards. Mr. Dough Boy shot his first Cavalier match and we hope to see him again. We could only sweat out two clean all day shooters with the heat and that was Mr. Potter County Kid and some BS fellow. Thanks to everyone for all the help with the match.
Results attached:
Your Pard: Major BSW
Hello Everyone
Many of you are going to the Father Time Match this weekend and I wish you the best of luck at that match. For those of you that aren’t going, the Cavalier Cowboys will be having their first Sunday of the month match on Sunday July 5th starting at 10:00. Please try to wear red , white and blue if possible in some form to celebrate the holiday. Speaking of celebrating the holiday, after the match the Cavalier Cowboys will be cooking on the grill for all who participated free of charge, but with social distancing. I would like you to RSVP me by Thursday, text at 804-307-2980 or email at majorbswalker@gmail.com so we can get a more accurate idea of the amount of food we will need. Stages are attached.
Thanks: Major BSW