1st Sunday Match — February 3rd, 2019

Hello fellow shooting enthusiasts
What a day to be shooting in February. The starting temp today was yesterdays finishing temp. We had 19 lucky  people show up today, well,18 lucky and 1 now so lucky. Congrads to Cody Maverick as our top shooter today and congrads to Cody, Ham O’Royd, One Eyed Jane and Trooper Ozzy for their well earned clean all day. We also had a first match shooter today, Snakeskin Jack and he shot gunfighter. Enjoyed having you and hope to see much more of you MR. Snakeskin. Just a reminder, the Gunfight at the Double-C is fast approaching so please send in your registrations. You don’t want to miss this one.

Thanks for all the hard work today:
Major BSW
Results attached


Cavalier 2019-02-03 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf


Hello Everyone

This Sunday is our regular first Sunday of the month match and this is also Super Bowl Sunday. When you wake up Sunday morning don’t pace around all day waiting for the game to start. Don’t sit aimlessly for hours staring at the TV and listening to sports casters make guess after guess as to what will happen. Instead, come on out and have some fun with us at the range. Weather forecast has Sunday back up into the 50’s. Super Bowl kickoff is not until 6:30. We start at 10:00 and are finished by 2:00 and tear down done by 2:30. That still gives you 4 hours  until game time. With 4 hours I can still take a 2 hour nap before the game starts. Hope you can make it. Stages written by me in a new style and attached



Cavalier 2-3-19 match.pdf