Good evening Cowboys & Cowgirls
The Cavalier Cowboys held its Wednesday not too hot to shoot match today. With shade, tents, fans and a breeze coming off the lake it was quite nice. Mr.Striker even shot today. I am sorry for the lack of clean shooters for I was the only one.
Detailed match results are attached.
Until we meet again
Thanks all
Major BSW
Cavalier Scores 08-08-2018.pdf
Forgot to mention that Wednesday’s match will be Cowboy Casual.
Fans and shade provided.
First shot at noon.
The Cavalier Cowboys will be hosting their second Wed. match this Wednesday Aug. 8th. Gates open at 10:00 for setup, safety briefing at 11:45 and first shot at 12 noon.
Take a day to relax and have fun and come shoot with us.
Stages are attached
See you then: