2nd Wednesday Match – December 10th, 2014

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys held their monthly 2nd Wednesday Match today at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

Congratulations to BS Walker as our Top Overall Shooter. The scores are attached in PDF format.


Safe Travels,



Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 2nd Wednesday Cowboy Match this coming Wednesday, December 10th, 2014, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The costs of the match is $15.00 for non members, $25.00 for couples, $10.00 for members of CR&PC and as always shooters 18 and under shoot free. The gates will be open from 10:00 till 11:30, registration will run from 10:30 till 11:30, mandatory safety meeting at 11:45 and the match itself will begin at High Noon. Additional information is available on our web site at: www.cavaliercowboys.org

The stages have been written by Cockroach and are attached in PDF format.


Our normal processes it to not hold 2nd Wednesday matches in January and February, so this will be the last normally scheduled 2nd Wednesday match until March of 2015. However, if the weather happens to be good for shooting in January or February, we may call a match to take advantage of it.

Safe Travels,
