Cowboys & Cowgirls,
We had a great day for Cowboy Shooting at the Cavalier Cowboys Home Range today!!!
We had 12 shooters today and our Congratulations goes to BS Walker as our Top Overall Shooter and the only Clean All Day Shooter!!!
The scores are attached in both MS Excel and PDF formats.
Cavalier Cowboys – Scores – Sunday Oct 6th 2013.pdf
Cavalier Cowboys – Scores – Sunday Oct 6th 2013.xlsm
Safe Travels,
Cowboys & Cowgirls,
The weather looks great for Sunday, so the match update is POSSE UP CAVALIER COWBOYS !!
Safe Travels,
Cowboys & Cowgirls,
The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their Monthly 1st Sunday Cowboy Match this Sunday, October 6th, 2013, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.
The stages have been written by BS Walker and are attached in both MS Word and PDF formats.
The gates will open at 8:00, Registration starts at 8:30, Registration and the gates close at 9:30, Mandatory Safety Meeting at 9:45 and the shooting begins at 10:00. The costs is $15.00 for non members of CR&PC, $10.00 for members, $25.00 for couples and shooters 18 and under always shoot for free.
The current forecast is calling for some rain on Sunday, we will send out a Match Update on Friday before 9:00pm with a status update.