2nd Wednesday Match – Sept 13, 2023

Hello Cowpokes

Sorry for the late scores sent out but was having computer issues. Well seven of us braved the elements to shoot a match today. Unfortunately, two of us were laid up enough to not be able to shoot. My back has headed south again so all I can do is watch and Mr. Ripsaw gave it a go for one stage but has an injured hand so he stopped. The lucky five that remained shooting just could not muster up a clean all day match. Overall, it was a really nice day. Results attached.
 Crippled up Major BS Walker

Overall Winners by Time: 9/13/2023

Hello Peoples

Well the State match is now history so it’s time to go back to our original scheduled programming. The Cavalier crew will be hosting their second Wednesday of the month match this Wednesday Sept. 13. Gates open at 9:30 with first shot down range at 11:00. Antics for the match provided by Mr. Cockroach and are attached.
Thanks All;
Major BSW

Match Stages – Wed 9/13/2023