1st Sunday Match – January 1st 2023 – New Years Day!

Hello Boys & Girls

Twas a lovely day in the neighborhood. Mid sixties and sunny for the first day of the new year, who would have thought. We did manage to hold a decent match today with 21 people either being hung over, sleep deprived or both. That didn’t seem to bother anyone when it came to having to engage the Ferris Wheel on stage three. I’m guessing Mr. Bingo was the only one to stayed sober and got some sleep because he was the only CAD shooter. Thanks all for all your help and being such a fun group to ride with.
Results linked below.
Major B.S. Walker
Bingo Clears the Ferris Wheel and Breaks It!

Overall Winners By Time – Sunday 1/1/2023

Hello CowPokes

Let’s start the first day of the new year off with a good old shootem-up. The 1st Sunday of the month match at Cavalier will be New Years Day. Looking forward to spending this year shooting with you all. Sorry though, the stages were written by me.
Hope to see you on Sunday.
Major BS Walker

Match Stages – Sunday 1/1/2023