Hello Again Boys & Girls
The Cavalier Cowboys managed to pull off another match with really nice weather today. Twas a little on the heated side and so was the shooting.We would like for everyone to take note of our soon to be a regular Cowboy competitor, Mr. Bullfrog Bandido who shot his first match today. Glad to have you ride with us anytime. Speaking of riding, we only had two shooters ride out with a Clean match, that being our good buddy Mr. Bucksaw Bob and the lovely and talented Ms. One Eyed Jane. First time top overall shooter today was also the lovely and talented Mr. Walker Colt. Thanks Bingo for managing things, Ripsaw for the fine match and to all that attended and handled all the chores.
We will be shooting again this Wednesday 11/9/22 with the first shot down range at 11:00. Stages to be sent out tomorrow.
Your Pard:
Major BS Walker
Note from Bingo: Ripsaw, the best dressed pistoleer since Wild Bill, was incorrectly entered as Silver Senior category and should have been Gunfighter! Sorry about that Ripsaw.
Overall Winners by Time – Sunday 11/06/2022
Hello Everyone
The Cavalier first Sunday of the month match is this Sunday 11/6/22. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. Setup will be on Saturday about 3:30.
At least come to the match and take out your political frustrations on some steel targets before you vote on Tuesday. Hell, you even get an extra hour of sleep leading up to the match. What’s there not to love. Stages provided by Mr. Ripsaw.
Until we meet again:
Major BS Walker