Hello Everyone in Cowboy Chilly (not chili) Land,
We actually had eleven actual shooters today braving the cold. You could call it twelve braving the cold with me not shooting but I would have to really say we had eighteen brave the cold for the match. We had a couple come watch their first match today and also a family of a husband, wife and two sons that are interested in starting our sport. We did manage to chill out two CAD shooters. Congrads to Lefty Spurmaker and Bingo Montana for that honor. As cold as it was, Bingo was on fire because he was top overall also. I was impressed with the overall times today with cold hands with some 1st, 2nd.and 3rd’s being less than a 1/2 second for the three positions. Hope this was the coldest match for the rest of the year. Results linked below.
Best wishes to All
Major BS Walker
Overall Winners by Time – Sunday 02/06/2022
Hello Cowboy People
The Cavalier Cowboys will be having their 1st Sunday match this coming Sunday , Feb. 6th., 2022. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. Heaters and hand warmers will be cranking. Setup for the match will be on Saturday beginning at 4:00 and we could really use some help. Stages linked below written by Mr. Ripsaw.
Dress warm and see you Sunday
Major BS