Weather rain forecast for the Cavalier range Sunday morning is 80% at 6:00, 50% at 8:00, 20% at 10:00, 0% at 12. Match is a go. Rain during the drive but ending by start time. Canopies will be available if needed.
Hope you can make it
Major BS Walker
Hello ALL
The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting their regular 1st. Sunday of the month match this Sunday Jan. 3, 2021. Gates open at 8:30 with first shot down range at 10:00. With the Covid restrictions we will shoot with 2 posse’s of no more than 10 per posse. TO’s and unloading table officers will be required to wear masks and 6 ft. distancing should be observed. I look forward to seeing everyone at our 2021 kick-off match. Stages attached written by Mr. Ripsaw and modified to work in two bays by me. Setup for Sunday’s match will be on Saturday at 3:00.