1st Sunday Match — June 2nd, 2019

Hello Everyone
What a great day to come out and play. Nice weather seems to elude us so enjoy it while you can. Ripsaw wrote a nice match for us today (not including stage 6) and the clean shooters came out of the woodwork. Enid City Kid, Judge NO Hart, Kuba Kid, Potter County Kid, Sassy Shooting Sours and myself shot Clean All Day. The next Cavalier match will be Wednesday June12, 2019 with first shot down range at high noon.
As always, thanks for all the help
Major BS Walker

Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be shooting there normal first Sunday of the month match this Sunday, June 2, 2019. Cold water, fans and canopies will be provided for your comfort. Even though Ripsaw is still laid up, he had previously written this match for us. Please come out and support his efforts.
See you Sunday:
Major BS Walker