2019 Gunfight at the Double-C Scores

Here is the overall scores from this weekend. I do hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Please e-mail me with suggestions for next year. Speaking of next year, the Gunfight at the Double-C will be moving to its New Time Slot. We have to make a few small changes to the setup for next year to do this but the Gunfight will now be held on the 4th weekend in April, that being April 25th and 26th in 2020. Six weeks after the Gathering, a couple weeks after Blueridge, a week before Father Time and three weeks before Thunder in the Brush. Now you can shoot them all.
Just can’t pass up this opportunity to once again thank  everyone and to express how much your work and support is appreciated.

Your Pard:
Major B.S.Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys


Well I’m getting close. I couldn’t attach the two results details so you’re getting two e-mails I guess since we only had two clean shooters it seems kind of appropriate. Our only two clean shooters were Flatboat Bob and Enid City Kid. Way to go guys, we are at awe. Please ignore the date under the Match title because it ignores me when I try to change it.

Major BS Walker



Hello fellow shooters from Major BS. Everything at the range is packed up and put away. I’ve unloaded my truck, plugged the I-pads in to charge and then at 8:00 pm I finally sat down on the bed and started removing my mud stained cowboy clothes. The Gunfight at the Double-C 2019 the Last Words match is in the record books. For those that did not attend you missed a winner. With all the bad weather forecast for the weekend, we got drizzled on for a couple stages on Saturday and dry all day on Sunday. Had just enough shelters set up to stay dry, it was still sort of muggy but we shot all 12 stages. I would like thank everyone that attended this year, for everyone’s assistance with posse duties, for the people who helped set up and tear down everything and for everyone just being you. It’s really nice to have such a respected cowboy family as you provide to me. Congratulations to all the winners but with the computer glitch I caused, I will not be able to send the scores out until tomorrow.

Thanks Again:
Major B.S.Walker
Match Director
Cavalier Cowboys


GATDC 2019 DetailedMatchResultsByTime
GATDC 2019 MatchResultsByCatTime