Hello Everybody
I would have to say that todays weather was just about picture perfect. It was nice to have the Cowboy Social back as well. We had 17 shooters participate in todays festivities but with the nice weather and the fun stages, we only managed to produce one clean all day shooter That was meee, that was me. Anyway, with Cody having 27 misses and me shooting clean, he still was the top overall shooter. Glad you could all come and thanks for all the help.
Don’t forget that we will shoot again this Wednesday and I’m looking forward to shooting with all, or almost all my pards this up coming weekend at the Gunfight at the Double-C. Of course, results are attached.
Thanks a bunch:
Major B.S.Walker
Scores 4-07-2019 DetailedMatchResultsByTime
Hello Everyone
The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their 1st Sunday of the month match this Sunday, April 7th. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first shot down range at 10:00. Hope everyone can make it. Stages are written by Smackwater and are attached.
Thanks Again: MBSW
Hello Boys & Girls
Back by popular demand, we will be holding our Cowboy Social at the range after Sundays match. If you can’t make the match on Sunday then you still have time to practice for the Double-C match held the following weekend by shooting our second Wednesday of the month match on April 10. Seems Cavalier is just a bonanza of shooting opportunities. All are welcome. Stages are being processed for Wednesdays match as we speak and will be forth coming.
Thanks: Major BSW