1st Sunday Match — May 6th, 2018

Good evening everyone
With the group that shot the Father Time match and the shooters that thought it might rain you really missed a good match today at Cavalier. Comfortable temperatures and not a drop of rain until 30 minutes into the cowboy social after the match. Ripsaw provided us with some really nice stages. Me managed to muster up nine shooters for todays match and also welcomed two first time Sundays regular
match shooters ( but not new to the Wednesday matches) Max Steel and Captain R. Hugh Kidnme. We had two clean shooters today , myself and Captain R. Hugh Kidnme. Scores are posted.

Thanks again for all the help;
Major BS Walker

Cavalier 05-06-2018 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

I must apologize for my mistake on the location of Cavaliers Sunday match this week. The match will be held in its usual location this month but will move location next month. Sorry, I got it back asswards.

Thanks: Major BS

Hello Everyone

This Sunday May 6th. the Cavalier Cowboys are having their first Sunday of each month regular scheduled match. I know many of you will be at the Father Time match but for those that are not going, you can still shoot at Cavalier. Because of a special class being held on Bay 3 on that date, we will be shooting the match on the Bay 4 sites. Just pass the Saloon and park up the hill on the left. Gates open at 8:30, safety briefing at 9:45 and first round down range at 10:00. The stages for this weeks match were written by Mr. Ripsaw and are attached.

See you Sunday
Major BS Walker

May 6 2018 CC match Rev 2.pdf