1st Sunday Match — June 5th, 2016

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

Well we executed our strategy to perfection, started shooting at 9:30 (actually a few minutes early), shot the full six stages and we were completely cleaned up and on the road home by 1:00 pm (an hour early). There were maybe 10 drops of rain as we were putting the stuff away but so far the “severe weather event” has yet to show itself.

Congratulations to Cody Maverick as our Top Overall Shooter and Congratulations to Stogie, Kuba Kid and One Eyed Jane as our Clean All Day Shooters.

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

06-05-2016 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
06-05-2016 DetailedMatchResultsByRank.pdf

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

As most of you have heard there is a chance for severe weather on Sunday afternoon. The channel 12 forecast says the timing of the severe weather is 4:00 pm to midnight on Sunday.

I am moving the start of the match up 30 minutes to 9:30 am. Please be at the range and registered by 9:00 am.

The plan is to shoot between 9:30 and 1:30, take up to 30 minutes to clean up the range and have everyone on the road home by 2:00 pm.

We should be able to get 6 stages in between 9:30 and 1:30 but if necessary we will drop a stage to be done shooting by 1:30.

Being finished by 2:00 pm will give everyone time to get home before the severe weather threat starts.

We will NOT have our normal after match Cowboy Social Activities this week.

Sorry for the late notice, but we are adjusting to the forecast as they occur.

Please re-check your email before leaving the house on Sunday morning, just in case something changes in the forecast.

Safe Travels,


Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Cavalier Cowboys will be holding their monthly 1st Sunday match, this Sunday, June 5th, 2016, at the Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club.

The stages have been written by BS Walker and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats. (they are the stages from our May match that we had to cancel)

Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – 06-05-2016.pdf
Cavalier Cowboys – Stages – 06-05-2016.docx

We have purchased additional tents and are planning on shooting rain or shine. However, if something severe does come up on the forecast we will send out an update on Friday by 6:00 pm, but no news is good news and we are shooting unless you hear something different from us on Friday.

Please see the match information below or visit our web site at www.cavaliercowboys.org

The individual match fee for members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $10.00
The individual match fee for non-members of Cavalier Rifle & Pistol Club is $15.00
The match fee for couples (2 individuals living in the same home) is $25.00
The match fee for “Young Guns” (students 18 years old or younger) is $0.00 FREE

Payment of match fee is due during match registration
Payment via Cash or Check is acceptable
Make checks out to: Cavalier Cowboys

Start Times:
1st Sunday Matches – For our Sunday Matches the match begins at 10:00am, the gates will be open from 8:00am till 9:30am, registration will run from 8:30 until 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45am.

Safe Travels,
